• Culture,

Exhibition | Teaching maps: on the trail of cartography at the University of Lyon

Published on March 14, 2024 Updated on May 23, 2024
Teaching maps
Teaching maps

Exhibition organized at the Manufacture Library of Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, as part of the "International Conference on the History of Cartography" (ICHC) 2024.

Teaching cartography at the University of Lyon
This exhibition will trace the development of the teaching of cartography. It will feature a number of maps and objects specific to this discipline.

The cartographic approach has accompanied changes in the teaching of geography since the 19th century. It has always been present, and its place has gradually been consolidated within the University of Lyon.

Through the cartographic productions and collections of the various geographers and cartographers who have succeeded each other in the different universities of Lyon, we invite you to follow 150 years of geographical analyses that have been developed on site, sometimes on a local basis, sometimes covering and coming from afar.

ICHC 2024 website : https://ichc2024.univ-lyon3.fr/